Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pizza, Pizza!

remember the Little Caesar's guy? how he always used to say that? yeah those were good times, and i ate half a pizza by myself today, not from Caesar's since they don't exist outside of a K-Mart anymore. does that make me fat? yes, yes it does, but that's not what this blog is about, nor is it about pizza, ironic title, eh?

so i was walking today, and i decided to cut through the cemetery like old times, see, i used to hang out in the cemeteries a lot just to clear my head, because well, they're peaceful. nobody can bother you there cause everyone there is dead, but that's not the only reason it's so peaceful to me, you know what? i'm not even sure why to be honest. i've always had a weird fascination with death, and no i'm not saying that so i can sound dark (even though when i was 15 until i was 18 i had an "i'm so dark i wear black all the time and talk about death like it's awesome" phase), but i have an intrest in what happens, like what goes through your head as your dying? who do you think of? do you think about your life? are you scared cause you don't know whats coming for you in the after life? i don't know, i wish i could die and then come back and tell people what it was like, but of course that's impossible, unless you're like, a zombie, then of course you'd crave flesh and be unable to speak words, that is if you're a Romero zombie, okay now i'm just getting off topic here..anyways, what i'm getting at is that the cemetery is still quite relaxing, but at the same time, it's just not the same as it was before, i didn't feel as relaxed or as good as i used to feel when sitting there, then again i didn't sit i just walked through it, maybe i should have walked slower, i don't know. i still always wonder what everyone buiried there was like when they were alive though, and how they died. also, the slight relaxation i do feel from walking through there is a result of the fact that no matter what, you're going to end up dead, which should give everyone a reason to persue what they wanna do in life. don't live for someone else, live for yourself, and be with someone who is happy living with you, not someone they want you to become. i'm persueing music, i don't care if i end up homeless and broke from it, it's what i want, i want to play music, i want people to listen to what i write and hope they like it. most people just fall into the norm and do what they're suppossed to do, not what they want. sometimes though, the norm is what they want, you want a degree in physiology and a big house with 3 kids? go for it! more power to ya. you want to be a olympic skater? do it! you want to break your leg just to see what it's like to be in a wheelchair or on crutches? WELL GODDAMN GO FOR IT! well, most people don't want the last one, or the skater one, but you get my point. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO IN YOUR LIFE. because after all, it is YOUR life, and if you fail, don't be angry or depressed, try to make light out of it. hell i always try to make light of negetivity, cause it makes myself feel better about the negetive situation or the tragedy or whatever. you know what i mean.

i guess what i'm trying to say is, we all die, so follow your dreams, go to school if that's what you want, play music if that's what you want, if you want to be the manager of Burger King, do it! (hell yeah, free burgers!) but please, PLEASE don't live your life in someone else's shadow, be yourself and do what you want. cause after all, if you're not living your life the way you want to live it, then you're not really living.

i do beleive dreams can come true if you work at them.

Stay True.


(oh by the way, when i was walking through the cemetery, Alkaline Trio was playing on my ipod (ironic cause they're dark right?) and it was a song that Dan Andriano sings, and here comes a guy walking down the hill that looks like Dan but much older with a grey beard, hahahahaha! it was awesome.)

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