Monday, September 21, 2009


well well well Blogger..we meet again...

we had a show on Saturday at Alexander's with The Marx and Tight Fits, Animal Train was supposed to play but dropped, i don't know why...

but was a great show, not a big crowd, but i want to that everyone who did come out, everyone who sang along, danced, whatever you did, it was amazing, and i appreciate any and every second of people enjoying our music. it really makes me feel like i matter in this world and that what i am striving for is actually working and that i'm not a complete fail. so thank you so much to anyone who even payed attention for 5 seconds, anyone who head banged once or twice, anyone who thought we were okay, and last but not least, everyone who actually enjoyed us (you know who you are). oh and thank you to Steve from the Marx for buying a cd, that money goes to the Suburban Losers Charity Fund For Shirt Making, CD Recording, CD Copying, And Any Other Bullcrap We Might Wanna Do For People Who Like Us, otherwise known as the S.L.C.F.F.S.M.C.D.R.C.D.C.A.A.O.B.W.M.W.F.P.W.L.U. Organization. this time around its going for shirts, based on our song Kevin Smith, you can see the shirt on our myspace in the my photos album. anyways, back to the show, all the bands did great, even us, we played very well minus a few little unnoticable fuckups, it happens, nobody is perfect, but the Marx were great, their last show though, but their cd is awesome. Tight Fits reminded me a lot of a toned down Shitlist, whom we are playing with on October 16th at Alexander's. Awesome. by the end of the night, we got paid, again going to the tshirts, by the time we're done with these next 3 shows we should have enough money for tshirts, and hopefully all the bands on the 16th show stick to their words about show trades, i know Mikey from Alive In The Moment will, he already is putting us on a show, info for that to come when he gives it to us, but yeah. should be awesome, i'm so exited for the next shows, i wish we could play shows everyday, or go on tour, i LOVE playing shows so much, the exitement isn't comparable to anything. it feels so awesome to get up there and show people our brainchild, crack some bad jokes, and have fun. this is what i want to do with my life, nothing will change that.

anywhore, i miss old school Weezer, Pinkerton is an amazing album, so is Blue Album, and pretty much everything before Make Beleive, which sucks, so does the Red Album, and their new single sounds horrible. sorry guys, you rock but you'll never top the first 4 albums, Blue, Pinkerton, Green, and Maladroit. maybe someday you will and i'll love you again, but as of now, nope, sticking to old school stuff. brings back a lot of old memories of being 13/14 as well. fun times.

oh! there is finally a Straight Edge film coming out that doesn't make us look like assholes! fuck yes! can't wait!

"when i push the ground i make fire"

Stay True


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