Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Son of a Bitch.

man, i have long gaps in between blogs..oh well.

so Suburban Losers went from having no shows and a lot of downtime, to having 4 shows within the next 3 months and a future recording date. damn, that's awesome. we'll be recording with my longtime friend, Billy Bevans. we're gonna redo all the basement sounds tracks with him to make a free digital EP. we'll also be doing tracks intended for Basement Sounds Vol. 2 that we will release as another free digital EP. awesome, i know right? i am very exited about all this going on. we're gonna wait until after our shows to start recording, cause well, we're still trying to sell the Suburban Losers EP (our debut EP), still $2, still not selling, blah, i really wanna just give it out for free, cause i want people to hear it but people aren't willing to pay for it, even though it's only 2 bucks, but we can't, cause it's one of our only ways to make money for the band, which also include shows, and we don't always get paid for shows. what we need is shirts and other merch we can sell. stickers and magnets and buttons we'll probably always give out for free unless we pay a shit load to get em made., which has affordable prices, so we probably won't start charging for them. i think we're gonna put the EP up on bandcamp after we sell em all, or maybe once we get shirts, so we atleast have another way to make money. see, we're not IN IT FOR THE MONEY, but getting paid for doing what you love is nice, and plus we need money to fund for band stuff, such as merch, which we have to pay to make, or maybe recordings, saving up for a van so we can go more than an hour and a half away from home to play shows, and even schedule a tour. our regular shitty jobs don't pay enough to afford all that, all the time, and plus that money goes elsewhere, such as bills, food, yanno, stuff we need to live?

anyways...enough about me being super exited about upcoming shit, and bitching about are you? oh that's good...ehhh maybe you should go to a doctor? no? okay.

did you ever like, rip a hangnail off your finger and as a result, the side of your finger in between the nail and the skin hurts real bad whenever you touch it? i did, yesterday, and it hurts like hell to type and play bass. bleh! also my computer keeps freezing up and it's really pissing me i'm going to stop writing this now...

by the way! Amber and i had our 2 year anniversary on Saturday. can you believe it's been 2 years? i can't. they've been 2 pretty awesome years though. happy 2 years Amber!

Stay True.


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