Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cinnamon Toast.

so i had the weirdest dream.

i dreamed that i went to a small comic book/t-shirt store and i saw a Miley Cyrus shirt ( i have no idea why that would be at a comic store) and i wanted it, but didn't have any money, so i stole it, but when i got home i found that i had stolen a medium sized tour shirt of a bunch of metal bands, i think i remember slayer and drowning pool being on it, and i was pissed cause i really wanted that Miley shirt. (i'm not sure why i'd want a Miley shirt, besides wearing it as a joke). i woke up confused. confusing dreams are confusing. i don't like them, but at the same time, i do, cause it makes for interesting thoughts in the morning, like trying to figure out what the hell they mean. apperently every dream means something, but i'm not sure what me stealing a Miley Cyrus shirt and it turning out to be a metal band shirt would mean. maybe it means Miley is gonna start doing metal? haha! i don't know. i hate metal though, i'd rather listen to Miley than listen to metal. oh! i had a leather jacket in the dream too, i stole that. funny thing is, i'd NEVER wear a leather jacket.

i need to shower pretty bad..and shave..i have a gross neck beard right now. i thought i would sleep in today, but i didn't, and i'm mad at myself, i blame Miley.

oh, Cinnomon Toast rocks, no it's not a band, it's Cinnamon Toast, you put Cinnamon Sugar on Buttered Toast, it's amazing. why am i capitalizing all that stuff? because it's AWESOME! pay attention..jeez..

Stay True.


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