Monday, September 14, 2009


let's see.....hurt my back again today! yay! not. it isn't as bad as before, but hell, it still sucks and hurts when i move it. if i remember correctly though, movement was good for it. how is it that i can life heavy couches and shit for my brother and it doesn't even hurt the slightest bit, but when i try to lift a dresser for Amber, it destroys itself. makes absolutely no sense. ah fuck it, i'll be fine.

i was reading through my old Xanga (well, one of them, i had A LOT), and i realize i was once very insightful, and i cared a lot about other people. nowadays i could give less of a fuck about people who aren't my friends, unless they wanna be friends. i was also really despressed and suicidal back then for no good reason. i really wanna go back in time and kick myself in the nuts for being like that, fuck, i had no reason to be despressed. yeah i was lonely and bored but come on..i could do whatever i want with no responsibilities and no living paycheck to paycheck worrying about money and shit..damn i have REAL problems nowadays and i'm not depressed at all..i'm very happy what the fuck? maybe it was highschool..that pissed me off a lot..but i loved hanging with my old friends in high fun..but anyways...i'm not embarrassed about being such a dumbass, i think we all were in our mid teens, so here, read my old xangas, and PLEASE make fun of me, okay? i deserve it. haha.

by the way, i was EXTREMELY lame back then as well, so be warned. Xanga was fun though, people actually cared about the blogging aspect of social networking sites, unlike now when people share their inner most thoughts in small amounts of text or brief comments and messages and random ass bulletins that are usually boring surveys with the same fucking questions. gah! fuck that, i miss the blogging, i miss the comments ABOUT the blog, i miss XANGA! lucky we have Blogger/Blogspot, such an awesome site. my time here reminds me of my time with Xanga, except i'm older, wiser, filled with the idon'tcares, and i have everything i wanted back then (a band, a girl, great friends, which i had back then, too). face it, Xanga has been dead since the dawn of MySpace, and MySpace will soon die with the dawn of Facebook. i HATE facebook with a passion, my reasons are a whole other entry though. so if MySpace dies, goodbye social networking, hello daily blogging. social networking is getting boring anyways. i still love Twitter though =)

i hate being old, i know i'm not that old, but come on, to quote Alkaline Trio, when you're only 20 it's not attractive to complain about your sore back. though Dan says 23, it's the same idea. fuck!

big shit coming for Suburban Losers, shows, shirts, new EP(s), awesome shit, stay tuned! i'm fucking exited.

Stay True.


1 comment:

  1. "Smile, we'll all be dead soon."?

    ANYWAY. I think it's high school. Me = same way. Not so much anymore. But seriously, I think high school is the cause of more suicides than people realize. But yeah, my old blogs were all depressed and shit too. Lmao.

    And I used to have that little gasoline fire thing on my myspace back in the day. Like, before knowing you.
