Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

so it's been awhile, eh?

yeah i've been quite busy (and lazy)..especially today, me and Cody called a bunch of venues to book shows..of course half of them were either disconnected or whatever..but the other half we made some progress..pretty much all of them don't book over the phone, i don't know why, they like to book online, so we're waiting for responses. This is good news since we ALMOST opened for the Misfits, but the fucking guy at croc wan'ts a 160 dollar down payment, WHAT THE FUCK? i have no idea why, money hungry? i don't know, point is we can't pay that, so we can't play it, sucks yeah, but oh well, we probably would have been first, and we were gonna be downstairs anyways, so people probably wouldn't have paid much attention to us, especially if they wanted to keep their spots on the main floor for the Misfits. i can't blame them, i'd do the same, haha.

anyways, i've heard that 2 people have had the Suburban Losers song "Kevin Smith" stuck in their heads. Of course that song is about the famed director. i wrote the main riff and the lyrics to that song and it just feels so good that 2 people have MY voice stuck in their head. it's crazy, it's almost like people are going to start taking us seriously now. we are a serious band, we work our asses off to get our name out there, book shows, flyer shows, give away music for free so that people will listen. hell, we're probably all going to go broke over this band, but quite frankly i don't care how broke i get doing this, cause it's my fucking dream, and i'm going to keep fighting for it until it happens, people will know Suburban Losers whether they want to or not. cause we won't give up until Kevin Smith is stuck in everyones head! hahaha! no, we won't even give up after that happens, hell, i'll give up when i'm dead. yeah, that works.

so we might have a show on october 30th, still waiting for a response to that, hopefully we get it. tomorrow though we're doing another acoustic show at Hot Topic Berkshire Mall. i don't give a fuck what anyone says about Hot Topic, that store rocks, and so does the staff at Berkshire, they've helped us get our name out so much there. We've flyered there, played so many acoustic shows, given out CDs, hell that store is like our outlet for promotion and i love it! so thank you very much Hot Topic Berkshire, you'll forever be our friends.

man i'm tired..we practiced today, acoustic and electric, i tried singing Normal Ones, like, actually singing it. Normal Ones is a song that i wrote lyrics to that i love so very dearly, those lyrics mean a lot to me and are the best lyrics i've ever written. Cody was so kind as to write a riff to it, and i was going to sing it, but he sung it so well that i just told him to do it. Lately i've been wondering what i would sound like if i sung smoothly, and then i was talking to Becky and she said i sounded good because she saw us do an Against Me! cover at our first Hot Topic show that i actually sang, and she said i sounded awesome, so she told me to give it another shot, so i did. i think i sound alright, i need some work and i'm not confident enough yet to start writing songs in which i sing smooth and i'm not confident enough yet to sing smoothly in front of anyone who isn't the band yet, but maybe i'll get there, who knows, for now though i'm sticking to what i'm good at: yelling my face off! no that was really lame, let's just call it yelling aggressively.

anywho, i should get to bed, practice tomorrow and the acoustic show tomorrow, gotta get some rest.

goodnight blogosphere.

Stay True.


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