Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ants In My Pants..Remember That Game?

so i am now loving Paramore's Brand New Eyes.

and AFI's Crash Love.

i knew they would grow on me.

i am getting pretty antsy lately, i wish we could play shows either everyday or every weekend. i love playing, i love the feeling, nothing compares. we play a show but once a month, and i'd like to play more..well i guess we just have to keep going for it, sooner or later we'll have more shows than we can handle..i hope anyways.

practice today, and friday, which we'll also be filming an ad for the Suburban Losers EP, which is gonna be fun, and HOPEFULLY help the sales, if not, who cares, it'll be fun, and funny (to us anyways). we also have a bunch of other videos planned, i don't know when they will be filmed, not Friday, that's for sure.

i'm really looking forward to our alexander's show on oct 16th. there's gonna be some great bands, you should come.

i had some more insightful crap to write than what i have, but i forgot everything i wanted to write..probably cause i'm tired, i never get enough sleep anymore..blaaahhh...

well then i guess this is the end of this entry, if i remember what i was gonna write, i will write it later.

Stay True.


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