Saturday, September 12, 2009

Common Enemy Music Video for "Beer Bong"

so tonight i was invited to be in Common Enemy's new music video for "Beer Bong" off the new record "Living The Dream?". originally the whole band was invited but Jason got sick and Cody had chores. so i went with my friend Jake.

it was so fucking awesome, they shoved everyone into this little room as they played Beer Bong among other songs. everyone circle pitted in this little ass room and in the midst of it all there was an entertainment stand in the back of the room with glass doors that ended up shattered after the second time we pitted. it was crazy awesome. after they got those shots we went down to the garage where they beer bonged out of this crazy ass contraption that Jake made. Justin Enemy filmed all that among other crazy shit going on in the garage. overall it was a pretty awesome night.

there were 3 Edge kids there, including me. these guys are all really cool about us being Edge and we weren't bothered into drinking or anything like that. see people? EDGERS AND NON-EDGERS CAN GET ALONG! just respect each other and everything is cool. Gary, their singer, said to me regarding this topic "just don't be an asshole to each other and everything is cool, simple as that" those aren't his exact words, but yeah. which pretty much goes to show that not all Edge kids are violent assholes with the need to kick everyone's ass who drinks and smokes, and not all non-edgers are assholes who need to rib at us for not drinking and try to force it on us. respect is a two way street, people. i hate hanging out with the assholes who need to pick at us for not doing shit, that's just disrepectful. none of these people are like that though, which is really awesome. everyone respects eachother and their personal decisions.

so anyways, i had an awesome time, i'll post the video on my MySpace and on here if i can, just keep an eye out for it.

oh by the way, do you see the irony in 3 Edge kids being in a music video for "Beer Bong"? i sure do. haha.

Stay True.


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