Thursday, September 30, 2010


Okay, so it seems that the track listing for What We Worked For's first album/demo/ep/whateverthefuck, might be abit different from what i posted before. I'm not doing Halloween anymore, i want to keep it all original. Also, I'm adding Cadaver, which is a Suburban Losers song about falling in love with a dead girl...yeah that's right. I may write one or two more originals and add an outro, depending on where my creativity goes. I do have one new original since i posted that track listing, which came out of nowhere, just fucking around on the guitar and i came up with a riff and set it up with some of my old lyrics and BOOM, a song. Bobby (friend of mine/drummer for Alive In The Moment/fellow band mate in Johnny Power) has offered to record it for free. Considering my computer for whatever reason won't read the mic i hooked up to it, this is very convenient and helpful.

In other news, i met a girl, nothing can happen as far as dating goes between us, go figure. I need to remind myself to never gain feelings for a girl, because i should KNOW by now that there's always SOMETHING that could prevent us from dating. So, fuck it. I miss the me from a month ago that didn't give a shit about love anymore. Why do i care again? pft, i don't know (see last blog post, maybe that will answer it? curse my brain for thinking)

I'm going to go practice my songs, i seem to be getting smoother with playing, which is good.

Stay True.


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