Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hot Pockets!

ah, so here we are again, blog-o-sphere, i am your host, Richard Loser, and i am more insane than I've ever been.

Things have been quite hectic lately, hours increased at work, still clawing up the wall that leads to the mastering of the first full length Suburban Losers record, all while getting no help. I'm going to have to sell some shit in order to reach $530 for the initial mastering, then who the hell knows what we're going to do for pressing, i guess we'll worry about that when the time comes. My green Dean Zone bass, which i have dubbed Zoey, is pretty much working for the time being, after cutting out for most of our set at our first Skate IT show, leaving me to use my black Ibanez Soundgear bass which i call Darth Vader (and may be sold soon) at the Hamburg Park, playing to a weak crowd of about 20 at the most, with about 6 or 7 kids keeping interest in the hour long set we were supposed to play, which only ending up being about 40 minutes, but it doesn't matter, cause it was a disaster for my left hand, which was in a constant cramp, my right hand, which kept hitting one of the 3 pickups that Vader has, and the band itself, who pissed off the old people running the show because of a few inappropriate comments made by members of said band (us, duh). The kids didn't seem to mind though, so, whatever. I am just happy to now have Zoey back in my arms, and hopefully forever this time.

So, i think i have found a cure for being lonely all the time, i have decided to fill the void of my empty heart with several musical projects. Not only do i have my main focus, Suburban Losers, but i am going to try out for my friend Bobby's 3 piece punk band he's starting called Johnny Power. I will be trying out for drums, believe it or not, I've only had a small experience with drums in the past, but i have enough confidence in myself to do a good job, here's hoping i do. Also, i have taken up guitar, for real this time, i am borrowing Jason's acoustic guitar. Hopefully, when i get good enough, i will begin an acoustic project which will remain unnamed for now. It will not be a solo project, but more so, a chance for me to be creative with music in a different way, a chance for me to really let my folk punk influences out, which is the style I'm going to be going after. Simple chords, angry vocals, songs of anger, rebellion, and overcoming heartache in the most cynical ways possible. How is this not a solo project you ask? Well, even though my ideas will be the root of the project, i have no issue in collaborating, and Jason has agreed to help on drums and bass if necessary, I'm sure Cody won't mind collaborating either, despite his own solo acoustic stuff he's working on. Offers are welcome to musicians outside of Suburban Losers to come and jam with me as well, that is, once i get this off the ground. My main focus will always be Suburban Losers, of course, but during our non writing periods, it will be nice to still express myself through writing and developing music. Hell, some of the songs i write may end up in Suburban Losers anyways, but i pretty much know the direction I'm going in with my half of the writing in SL, so we'll see what happens. Hopefully this will fill the void and make me forget about the constant rejection.

I have recently become addicted to Hot Pockets, hey, at least it's not drugs, right?

until next time.

Stay True.


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