Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sickly Blog

Aw man, i feel so sick today, i don't know why, but i do.

I'm planning on spending all day tomorrow working on songs for What We've Worked For. So far, i have one original song, and 2 covers. The original song is called "There Is No Applesauce" it has lyrics and music to it done. I've been practicing it for days now and i will hopefully have it down soon. One cover I'm FOR SURE doing is Halloween by The Misfits, a weird, mellow, folky version. I MIGHT do Those Anarcho Punks Are Mysterious by Against Me! but i'm not sure yet, i also might do Next To You by Matt Skiba, but that one is iffy. What i really need is original songs right now, i have enough lyrics, i just need music. I took a few lyrics that i had written meant for Suburban Losers and am using them, i also wrote a whole batch of new ones. These lyrics are different in the sense that I'm TRYING not to be as serious with them as the SL lyrics. Some of them are comical, sarcastic, and left for you to figure out what they mean yourself. Sometimes, i don't even know what they mean, I'm just putting together thoughts that are pouring out of my head, and by the end of the song, i can figure out what they mean. It's a different process than how i write for Suburban Losers in the sense that when i write for SL, i actually think about what i want the song to be about as i start writing, and i know what i'm writing about. Suburban Losers songs are usually more personal for me, these are less personal in a way, but i guess they kind of are? I don't know, all i know is, the lyrics i write for SL i INTEND to be personal, while the lyrics I'm writing for WWWF are not intended to be personal, but may come out that way. I'm still working on strumming patterns for guitar, which i figure the more songs i write the more i can get used to strumming patterns. I am definitely in no shape to play any shows or record yet, i personally think i sound terrible at the moment, but I'll get there. As expected, my best written songs will be used for Suburban Losers, so, i wouldn't expect this project to have AMAZING lyrics, but they're definitely lyrics that i really like and am proud of. Which i guess, as a songwriter, that's all that matters. A Reoccurring theme with this project is random song titles. When i finish a song, i title it the first thing that comes to my mind, or a phrase that i find funny. Either way, every title is extremely random and have nothing to do with the lyrics. Which i think is awesome.

more on this to come as it progresses.

Stay True.


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