Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's Been Nice Waking Up Next To...You?

i can't remember the last time i wrote a blog two days in a row...hmmm...well with how things are going lately, i would probably suspect more blogs out of me.

i found out some terrible news today, i will not make public what it is just yet, but, if you are a close friend of mine, you either already know, or are going to know as soon as we talk again. Point is, it's been worrying me since i found out, sleep will not come easy tonight, but does it ever?

My progression with guitar seems to be going better than expected. I learned a song today and finally figured out guitar tabs, which, next to bass tabs, look like a jumble of numbers. I learned Matt Skiba's "Next To You" from his split with Kevin Seconds, amazing record, check it out. That's one song I'll probably cover during shows or on an EP for this unnamed acoustic project. I was also debating whether i should write a whole new batch of lyrics or sift through the unused Suburban Losers lyrics i have been writing for the past couple months and separate the ones i really wanna use for Losers from the ones i wanna use for the acoustic stuff. I figure I'll worry about that when the time comes to begin writing songs. I figure that I'll be spending most of my home alone time working on this project, which is a better deal than sitting here with my mind on overdrive and remembering everything that i hate about myself and the world. Instead I'll just put it into songs, not like i haven't been doing that all along anyways.

Work has been worrying me too, they called me in twice and i feel bad because the first time i couldn't cause i had practice, and the second time it's because there was no gas to get me down there. It sucks living 30 minutes away from my job, but i love my Hot Topic job a lot, i won't be quitting. I just hope that they don't see me as unreliable now, and i also hope that my hours for Saturday have stayed intact. So i guess it's not work itself that is worrying me, it's how they see me as an employee now that has been worrying me.

I miss talking to a few people, everyone is busy these days, it sucks. Hopefully soon I'll be as busy as them, or maybe even busier than them.

i have actually grown tired, like, really tired, and there's nobody talking to me right now, so i may just lay down and hope sleep comes.

Stay True.


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