Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ants In My Pants..Remember That Game?

so i am now loving Paramore's Brand New Eyes.

and AFI's Crash Love.

i knew they would grow on me.

i am getting pretty antsy lately, i wish we could play shows either everyday or every weekend. i love playing, i love the feeling, nothing compares. we play a show but once a month, and i'd like to play more..well i guess we just have to keep going for it, sooner or later we'll have more shows than we can handle..i hope anyways.

practice today, and friday, which we'll also be filming an ad for the Suburban Losers EP, which is gonna be fun, and HOPEFULLY help the sales, if not, who cares, it'll be fun, and funny (to us anyways). we also have a bunch of other videos planned, i don't know when they will be filmed, not Friday, that's for sure.

i'm really looking forward to our alexander's show on oct 16th. there's gonna be some great bands, you should come.

i had some more insightful crap to write than what i have, but i forgot everything i wanted to write..probably cause i'm tired, i never get enough sleep anymore..blaaahhh...

well then i guess this is the end of this entry, if i remember what i was gonna write, i will write it later.

Stay True.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Crash Love/Brand New Eyes

did i ever mention that i'm done giving people advice? no? well yeah, i'm done giving people advice. apparently my advice is useless, so fuck it.


i just listened to AFI's new album Crash Love. it's alright..not as good as their early work, which Davey Havok said it would resemble..LIAR! it is good though..better than Decemberunderground which is a piece of crap Depeche Mode featuring Davey Havok album. Sing The Sorrow is fucking amazing, i don't care what anyone says, it rules. to me, they changed for the worse in Decemberundeground, which seemed to have kind of rubbed off in Crash Love since they're still not up to their best, in my opinion. they don't need to revert back to East Bay Hardcore if they don't want to..it's their band..but i would like an album that isn't boring or a piece of crap (like Decemberunderground). it's okay though, cause they have not lost my faith just yet, unlike Weezer.

i am currently finishing up Paramore's new album, Brand New Eyes. Hayley Williams is hot, i know, everyone else knows that i think she's probably the hottest musician out there, haha. i AM however, a REAL fan of their music, i LOVE Riot! and their first record isn't that bad either. Brand New Eyes is good, would say amazing like Riot!, as it kind of runs together and lost my attention by the middle of the record..but it's still a good listen. i would definitely choose Riot! over it anyday though.

maybe i must listen to both albums more than once to really appreciate them. for all i know they might be my favorite albums of 09..no, that's impossible, cause Alkaline Trio is releasing a new one..haha. anyways, sometimes the albums don't catch me right away, so i need to hear it a few times to really appreciate it. i am actually about to check out AFI's new one again, just to be sure.

referring to my last entry, everyone, Edge or not, needs to check out Edge The Movie. it actually shows you what we're all about and that not ALL of us are retards who think we need to kill people who are not Edge.

check out the trailer at http://edgethemovie.com/

Stay True.


Monday, September 21, 2009


well well well Blogger..we meet again...

we had a show on Saturday at Alexander's with The Marx and Tight Fits, Animal Train was supposed to play but dropped, i don't know why...

but anyways..it was a great show, not a big crowd, but i want to that everyone who did come out, everyone who sang along, danced, whatever you did, it was amazing, and i appreciate any and every second of people enjoying our music. it really makes me feel like i matter in this world and that what i am striving for is actually working and that i'm not a complete fail. so thank you so much to anyone who even payed attention for 5 seconds, anyone who head banged once or twice, anyone who thought we were okay, and last but not least, everyone who actually enjoyed us (you know who you are). oh and thank you to Steve from the Marx for buying a cd, that money goes to the Suburban Losers Charity Fund For Shirt Making, CD Recording, CD Copying, And Any Other Bullcrap We Might Wanna Do For People Who Like Us, otherwise known as the S.L.C.F.F.S.M.C.D.R.C.D.C.A.A.O.B.W.M.W.F.P.W.L.U. Organization. this time around its going for shirts, based on our song Kevin Smith, you can see the shirt on our myspace in the my photos album. anyways, back to the show, all the bands did great, even us, we played very well minus a few little unnoticable fuckups, it happens, nobody is perfect, but the Marx were great, their last show though, but their cd is awesome. Tight Fits reminded me a lot of a toned down Shitlist, whom we are playing with on October 16th at Alexander's. Awesome. by the end of the night, we got paid, again going to the tshirts, by the time we're done with these next 3 shows we should have enough money for tshirts, and hopefully all the bands on the 16th show stick to their words about show trades, i know Mikey from Alive In The Moment will, he already is putting us on a show, info for that to come when he gives it to us, but yeah. should be awesome, i'm so exited for the next shows, i wish we could play shows everyday, or go on tour, i LOVE playing shows so much, the exitement isn't comparable to anything. it feels so awesome to get up there and show people our brainchild, crack some bad jokes, and have fun. this is what i want to do with my life, nothing will change that.

anywhore, i miss old school Weezer, Pinkerton is an amazing album, so is Blue Album, and pretty much everything before Make Beleive, which sucks, so does the Red Album, and their new single sounds horrible. sorry guys, you rock but you'll never top the first 4 albums, Blue, Pinkerton, Green, and Maladroit. maybe someday you will and i'll love you again, but as of now, nope, sticking to old school stuff. brings back a lot of old memories of being 13/14 as well. fun times.

oh! there is finally a Straight Edge film coming out that doesn't make us look like assholes! fuck yes! can't wait!

"when i push the ground i make fire"

Stay True


Monday, September 14, 2009


let's see.....hurt my back again today! yay! not. it isn't as bad as before, but hell, it still sucks and hurts when i move it. if i remember correctly though, movement was good for it. how is it that i can life heavy couches and shit for my brother and it doesn't even hurt the slightest bit, but when i try to lift a dresser for Amber, it destroys itself. makes absolutely no sense. ah fuck it, i'll be fine.

i was reading through my old Xanga (well, one of them, i had A LOT), and i realize i was once very insightful, and i cared a lot about other people. nowadays i could give less of a fuck about people who aren't my friends, unless they wanna be friends. i was also really despressed and suicidal back then for no good reason. i really wanna go back in time and kick myself in the nuts for being like that, fuck, i had no reason to be despressed. yeah i was lonely and bored but come on..i could do whatever i want with no responsibilities and no living paycheck to paycheck worrying about money and shit..damn i have REAL problems nowadays and i'm not depressed at all..i'm very happy actually..so what the fuck? maybe it was highschool..that pissed me off a lot..but i loved hanging with my old friends in high school..so fun..but anyways...i'm not embarrassed about being such a dumbass, i think we all were in our mid teens, so here, read my old xangas, and PLEASE make fun of me, okay? i deserve it. haha.





by the way, i was EXTREMELY lame back then as well, so be warned. Xanga was fun though, people actually cared about the blogging aspect of social networking sites, unlike now when people share their inner most thoughts in small amounts of text or brief comments and messages and random ass bulletins that are usually boring surveys with the same fucking questions. gah! fuck that, i miss the blogging, i miss the comments ABOUT the blog, i miss XANGA! lucky we have Blogger/Blogspot, such an awesome site. my time here reminds me of my time with Xanga, except i'm older, wiser, filled with the idon'tcares, and i have everything i wanted back then (a band, a girl, great friends, which i had back then, too). face it, Xanga has been dead since the dawn of MySpace, and MySpace will soon die with the dawn of Facebook. i HATE facebook with a passion, my reasons are a whole other entry though. so if MySpace dies, goodbye social networking, hello daily blogging. social networking is getting boring anyways. i still love Twitter though =)

i hate being old, i know i'm not that old, but come on, to quote Alkaline Trio, when you're only 20 it's not attractive to complain about your sore back. though Dan says 23, it's the same idea. fuck!

big shit coming for Suburban Losers, shows, shirts, new EP(s), awesome shit, stay tuned! i'm fucking exited.

Stay True.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Common Enemy Music Video for "Beer Bong"

so tonight i was invited to be in Common Enemy's new music video for "Beer Bong" off the new record "Living The Dream?". originally the whole band was invited but Jason got sick and Cody had chores. so i went with my friend Jake.

it was so fucking awesome, they shoved everyone into this little room as they played Beer Bong among other songs. everyone circle pitted in this little ass room and in the midst of it all there was an entertainment stand in the back of the room with glass doors that ended up shattered after the second time we pitted. it was crazy awesome. after they got those shots we went down to the garage where they beer bonged out of this crazy ass contraption that Jake made. Justin Enemy filmed all that among other crazy shit going on in the garage. overall it was a pretty awesome night.

there were 3 Edge kids there, including me. these guys are all really cool about us being Edge and we weren't bothered into drinking or anything like that. see people? EDGERS AND NON-EDGERS CAN GET ALONG! just respect each other and everything is cool. Gary, their singer, said to me regarding this topic "just don't be an asshole to each other and everything is cool, simple as that" those aren't his exact words, but yeah. which pretty much goes to show that not all Edge kids are violent assholes with the need to kick everyone's ass who drinks and smokes, and not all non-edgers are assholes who need to rib at us for not drinking and try to force it on us. respect is a two way street, people. i hate hanging out with the assholes who need to pick at us for not doing shit, that's just disrepectful. none of these people are like that though, which is really awesome. everyone respects eachother and their personal decisions.

so anyways, i had an awesome time, i'll post the video on my MySpace and on here if i can, just keep an eye out for it.

oh by the way, do you see the irony in 3 Edge kids being in a music video for "Beer Bong"? i sure do. haha.

Stay True.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cinnamon Toast.

so i had the weirdest dream.

i dreamed that i went to a small comic book/t-shirt store and i saw a Miley Cyrus shirt ( i have no idea why that would be at a comic store) and i wanted it, but didn't have any money, so i stole it, but when i got home i found that i had stolen a medium sized tour shirt of a bunch of metal bands, i think i remember slayer and drowning pool being on it, and i was pissed cause i really wanted that Miley shirt. (i'm not sure why i'd want a Miley shirt, besides wearing it as a joke). i woke up confused. confusing dreams are confusing. i don't like them, but at the same time, i do, cause it makes for interesting thoughts in the morning, like trying to figure out what the hell they mean. apperently every dream means something, but i'm not sure what me stealing a Miley Cyrus shirt and it turning out to be a metal band shirt would mean. maybe it means Miley is gonna start doing metal? haha! i don't know. i hate metal though, i'd rather listen to Miley than listen to metal. oh! i had a leather jacket in the dream too, i stole that. funny thing is, i'd NEVER wear a leather jacket.

i need to shower pretty bad..and shave..i have a gross neck beard right now. i thought i would sleep in today, but i didn't, and i'm mad at myself, i blame Miley.

oh, Cinnomon Toast rocks, no it's not a band, it's Cinnamon Toast, you put Cinnamon Sugar on Buttered Toast, it's amazing. why am i capitalizing all that stuff? because it's AWESOME! pay attention..jeez..

Stay True.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Son of a Bitch.

man, i have long gaps in between blogs..oh well.

so Suburban Losers went from having no shows and a lot of downtime, to having 4 shows within the next 3 months and a future recording date. damn, that's awesome. we'll be recording with my longtime friend, Billy Bevans. we're gonna redo all the basement sounds tracks with him to make a free digital EP. we'll also be doing tracks intended for Basement Sounds Vol. 2 that we will release as another free digital EP. awesome, i know right? i am very exited about all this going on. we're gonna wait until after our shows to start recording, cause well, we're still trying to sell the Suburban Losers EP (our debut EP), still $2, still not selling, blah, i really wanna just give it out for free, cause i want people to hear it but people aren't willing to pay for it, even though it's only 2 bucks, but we can't, cause it's one of our only ways to make money for the band, which also include shows, and we don't always get paid for shows. what we need is shirts and other merch we can sell. stickers and magnets and buttons we'll probably always give out for free unless we pay a shit load to get em made., which punkbuttons.net has affordable prices, so we probably won't start charging for them. i think we're gonna put the EP up on bandcamp after we sell em all, or maybe once we get shirts, so we atleast have another way to make money. see, we're not IN IT FOR THE MONEY, but getting paid for doing what you love is nice, and plus we need money to fund for band stuff, such as merch, which we have to pay to make, or maybe recordings, saving up for a van so we can go more than an hour and a half away from home to play shows, and even schedule a tour. our regular shitty jobs don't pay enough to afford all that, all the time, and plus that money goes elsewhere, such as bills, food, yanno, stuff we need to live?

anyways...enough about me being super exited about upcoming shit, and bitching about money...how are you? oh that's good...ehhh maybe you should go to a doctor? no? okay.

did you ever like, rip a hangnail off your finger and as a result, the side of your finger in between the nail and the skin hurts real bad whenever you touch it? i did, yesterday, and it hurts like hell to type and play bass. bleh! also my computer keeps freezing up and it's really pissing me off..so i'm going to stop writing this now...

by the way! Amber and i had our 2 year anniversary on Saturday. can you believe it's been 2 years? i can't. they've been 2 pretty awesome years though. happy 2 years Amber!

Stay True.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pizza, Pizza!

remember the Little Caesar's guy? how he always used to say that? yeah those were good times, and i ate half a pizza by myself today, not from Caesar's since they don't exist outside of a K-Mart anymore. does that make me fat? yes, yes it does, but that's not what this blog is about, nor is it about pizza, ironic title, eh?

so i was walking today, and i decided to cut through the cemetery like old times, see, i used to hang out in the cemeteries a lot just to clear my head, because well, they're peaceful. nobody can bother you there cause everyone there is dead, but that's not the only reason it's so peaceful to me, you know what? i'm not even sure why to be honest. i've always had a weird fascination with death, and no i'm not saying that so i can sound dark (even though when i was 15 until i was 18 i had an "i'm so dark i wear black all the time and talk about death like it's awesome" phase), but i have an intrest in what happens, like what goes through your head as your dying? who do you think of? do you think about your life? are you scared cause you don't know whats coming for you in the after life? i don't know, i wish i could die and then come back and tell people what it was like, but of course that's impossible, unless you're like, a zombie, then of course you'd crave flesh and be unable to speak words, that is if you're a Romero zombie, okay now i'm just getting off topic here..anyways, what i'm getting at is that the cemetery is still quite relaxing, but at the same time, it's just not the same as it was before, i didn't feel as relaxed or as good as i used to feel when sitting there, then again i didn't sit i just walked through it, maybe i should have walked slower, i don't know. i still always wonder what everyone buiried there was like when they were alive though, and how they died. also, the slight relaxation i do feel from walking through there is a result of the fact that no matter what, you're going to end up dead, which should give everyone a reason to persue what they wanna do in life. don't live for someone else, live for yourself, and be with someone who is happy living with you, not someone they want you to become. i'm persueing music, i don't care if i end up homeless and broke from it, it's what i want, i want to play music, i want people to listen to what i write and hope they like it. most people just fall into the norm and do what they're suppossed to do, not what they want. sometimes though, the norm is what they want, you want a degree in physiology and a big house with 3 kids? go for it! more power to ya. you want to be a olympic skater? do it! you want to break your leg just to see what it's like to be in a wheelchair or on crutches? WELL GODDAMN GO FOR IT! well, most people don't want the last one, or the skater one, but you get my point. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO IN YOUR LIFE. because after all, it is YOUR life, and if you fail, don't be angry or depressed, try to make light out of it. hell i always try to make light of negetivity, cause it makes myself feel better about the negetive situation or the tragedy or whatever. you know what i mean.

i guess what i'm trying to say is, we all die, so follow your dreams, go to school if that's what you want, play music if that's what you want, if you want to be the manager of Burger King, do it! (hell yeah, free burgers!) but please, PLEASE don't live your life in someone else's shadow, be yourself and do what you want. cause after all, if you're not living your life the way you want to live it, then you're not really living.

i do beleive dreams can come true if you work at them.

Stay True.


(oh by the way, when i was walking through the cemetery, Alkaline Trio was playing on my ipod (ironic cause they're dark right?) and it was a song that Dan Andriano sings, and here comes a guy walking down the hill that looks like Dan but much older with a grey beard, hahahahaha! it was awesome.)