Monday, August 24, 2009

Work Sucks...I Know.

oh joy, back to the monotonous, depressing, tiring work life. the weekend was fun, now it's back to no fun, tired eyes, tired mind, tired body, tired soul...well you get the point.

i hate work when it's not something productive (as in band stuff, etc) but i have to go, i need money, pretty damn badly, and sadly (rhyme) my only means of income is working at the bullshit king known as Dairy Queen (well ours is the bullshit king..i guess it's also a drag queen). everyday i i care less and less about this place and i think by the end of this year i'll either be working somewhere else (hopefully) or still stuck at this damn place with no motivation to care at all about working there. i just hope some other store hires me, and i'm trying my hardest to get another job and hopefully get an overnight stock or janitor job or something, cause let's face it, there's no way i'll ever cure my insomnia. i tried no caffine, i tried getting back to a regular sleep schedule, nothing works, i can never fall asleep early no matter how hard i try, and if i get overnight hours, i will not only get many work hours, i will also have something to do with my late night evergy that i always seem to have when i'm at home alone. i think maybe when i'm with my girlfriend i like sleeping because i feel secure and all that stuff when i'm laying next to her, because when i'm alone, i don't like sleep, it's more like a chore, something i have to do because i have to get up for fucking work. it's like i can't let the tired come naturally anymore because i have a job, and i guess i need to be miserable to make money, unless my band gets signed or something, someone sign us please? i'm going crazy..

ah fuck it, why do i bitch? it gets me nowhere, i guess i'll just have to try to deal with it until something better comes along, hopefully an overnight job, cause i can't work afternoons because it'll interfere with practice, same with evenings, so it's either morning or overnight, and i'd pick overnight over morning, so i'd actually get sleep. i'm getting to the point where i actually black out at work, is that dangerous? maybe, but i don't think so, worst that could happen is some fat ass might not get their ice cream right away because i accedently dropped it on the floor from blacking out. who am i calling a fat ass? look at me! no, we're not getting into how much i need to lose weight, this blog will go on forever.

well i guess i should go get ready for work now...

Stay True.


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