Wednesday, August 19, 2009


i made a blog..yeah..i'm not sure why..i'm never that interesting..i guess cause i figure somebody wants to read my weird thoughts about everything that i come just wait, they get pretty weird.

so here i am at 2:24 in the morning..made some pop corn..not sure why because i really need to start losing weight and yet i keep eating and eating and eating..oh long as i don't become as fat as that mexican dude who got married and almost died from being wheeled out of his house on a flatbed truck..yeah i know right?!

so you might wonder why i call myself a Loser more often than not..and why i adopted it as my last name..well here goes..first off, i'm in a punk band called Suburban Losers, check us out at you might like us, might not, but anyways, i adopted Richard Loser as my stage name, and now i can't stop using it because it makes be feel so good inside to know that i'm taking pride in an insult people have used on me for makes me feel like i've won, i guess. just like how now i take pride in being fat, i was called every fat name in the book when i was in elementary school through middle school, and by high school i was like "yeah i'm fat, that's nothing new..why are you telling me this?" oh well..that's enough of that blabber..(remember Flabber from the Beetle Borgs? hell yeah!).

i don't feel like using caps..usually i'm more gramattically correct but i'll only use caps on important Flabber..

well i'm going to go be more of a fatass, eat my popcorn, and then try to sleep, i've got practice tomorrow.

Stay True.


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