Sunday, August 23, 2009

Straight Edge..for life?

okay, if you're not Edge, fine, whatever, everyone has their freedom to live their own life right? right. so now that we got that clear, what the hell is your problem with Edge kids being Edge? just cause we don't want to die in ways that you do? just cause we care more about our minds and bodies? i don't know the reasons, but like i said, i don't care if you're not Edge, some of the coolest people i know aren't Edge and they smoke, drink, do drugs, all that. as much as i wish they wouldn't they do, but i'm not going to tell them they can't, cause it's their life and i have too much respect for them in other aspects of their personalities to be telling them how to live. so why is it that people have to rag on us all the time for being Edge? well i say fuck you, we don't wanna drink, do drugs, smoke, or fuck everyone we see, so that makes us bad people? again, fuck you.

oh but there are others that piss me off even the person who claimed Edge and suddenly isn't? IT'S NOT A LABEL PEOPLE, IT'S A FUCKING LIFESTYLE, DO NOT EXPLOIT IT LIKE IT'S A FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL LABEL! you claim Edge, you're Edge, if you stop being Edge, than you never really were, Straight Edge til you're legal, right? no, fuck you, have some pride, some principals, don't become Edge just cause it's the coolest thing you can do before you're legal to smoke or drink, don't become Edge because it'll please mommy and daddy, become Edge because YOU WANT TO BE EDGE, and for fuck's sake, be serious about it, will ya? don't treat it like you can just strip it off anytime you want and say "okay, i'm not Edge today, tomorrow i will be" no fuck you, i can go on and on and on about this, so i won't.

now, there's two ways of doing so, claiming Edge, saying it's just a label, but still abiding by the lifestyle. now, okay, that's alright, cause you're not getting into alcohol and drugs, which is always cool in my book. problem is that it's NOT a label, it's a lifestyle, that's like saying you're not homosexual but you're attracted to the same sex. it just doesn't work that way, people! now i don't want to be judgemental here but to me it sounds like you're trying to escape being Edge so you may one day get drunk or high or whatever, when you're legal. sorry if i offended anyone, but hey, that's just how i think, and i'm done holding back. if you think you may one day drink, smoke, and/or do drugs, DON'T CLAIM EDGE, you may walk around and say that you follow the lifestyle, but please don't claim it? k? i tend to lose respect for people like this. the second way of being a fake Edger is to say you're Edge, and then suddenly you're passed out at a friends house getting ass raped unwillingly by some Frat boy. why are you passed out? too much to drink? yeah you were never Straight Edge.

oh and guess what people RUMOURS AREN'T ALWAYS TRUE! I NEVER SMOKED POT IN MY ENTIRE LIFE AND I DON'T PLAN TO SMOKE POT EVER! yes, i drank, yes i tried ciggarettes, BEFORE I WAS STRAIGHT EDGE! why did i do those things? to fit in, cause i thought i would be cool by doing these things, acting like i don't give a shit about myself, blah blah i'm a dumb 9th grader. yes, i admit that. can anyone else under 40 admit that's why they tried ciggarettes and alcohol? i sure hope so. NEVER ONCE did i try pot, i had the chance to, plenty of times, but i did not try it, because i thought, HEY what the fuck is this? this isn't me, i'm not this guy, i'm the other guy, the lame-oid who is sober!

oh god..sorry i'm so angry happens..

come to think of it..i never actually got this shit off my chest..ha.

Stay True.


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