Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010: Where Have You Gone?

Wow, it's hard to believe that 2010 is over. It feels like just yesterday that i had such high hopes for 2010, more notably, the summer of 2010, which has since passed on. Surely has been a roller coaster of a year and continues to be even with one day left, i don't even know how to put into words what this year consisted of, i can just mention a few notable things: got out of a miserable relationship, recorded the first Suburban Losers full length record at the awesome Akdar Studios, met a SHIT LOAD of awesome people, and became really close with a few of them (you know who you are), got back together with some old friends to which we became an unbeatable 5 person Nexus, followed by some awesome times and new memories to look back on in addition to the billions of memories we already had, found a whole new person in myself after the breakup, and finally gained some self confidence, band activity increasing and getting better as a band overall. As well as many many other crazy adventures, i am not mentioning the notable bad things because well, honestly there was more bad than good this year, considering the high expectations we all had for it, "Year of The Loser" is what we called it hahaha, and it was, sort of, i guess. I don't want to go into 2011 with too much high hopes, in case they also get destroyed, i am going into 2011 with a positive attitude though, and hoping to accomplish my resolutions for this year, which are as follows: release Suburban Losers - Never Going Home, get skinny, tell the girl i REALLY like how i feel (maybe, depending on the situation), get over my fear of driving, get my license, and finally go on tour. If i can end 2011 with those things accomplished, i will feel like a JEDI MASTER. So, yeah, as we all say goodbye to a year filled with happiness, sadness, fun times, bad times, and a whole lot of learning, we say hello to a new year with new possibilities headed our way. Let's hope it's a good one.

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011.

I leave you, as a New Year's tradtion for me, with this song:

This time, it's the Sundowner version instead of The Lawrence Arms version, considering Chris (from TLA), released this in 2010 under his side project, Sundowner :)

as always, Stay True.


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