Sunday, December 19, 2010

10 Steps For Failure.

I am going to present to you, 10 helpful steps in preparing yourself to do something that you know you're going to fail at, but still know it has to be done in order for life to move on, and in the end, still come out on top, even though you failed. AWWWWWW HERE IT GOES:

1. listen to your own band, if you have one, in order to remind yourself that after you fail, you still have talent.

2. be sure to consult every single one of your initial group of friends before failing, so they can help you make jokes about how funny it's going to be when you once again fail miserably, because everyone expected it.

3. eat, a lot.

4. watch the video for Marky Mark's "Good Vibrations" to remind yourself that no matter how hard you try, you'll never be as cool as Marky Mark, in order to further prevent yourself from gaining confidence to do something that you'll know you're gonna fail at.

5. if you play an instrument, play it, to remind yourself that you have talent (see number 1)

6. go forth with the thing you're going to fail at, only to fail, because it was bound to happen.

7. sulk for a bit, tell yourself never to try again, even though you know you will.

8. hang out with your best friends, joke about how much you failed, and then make fun of people to make yourself feel better.

9. sleep it off, if you can.

10. wake up, ready to start again, and for the hell of it, watch "Good Vibrations" again, cause, well, FUCKING LOOK AT IT:

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