Sunday, January 16, 2011

The End of The World.

There's been a lot of talk lately about the end of the world. With all those animals and shit dying, a theory is that the world is going to end soon, well, if that is the case, i don't really give a shit, even though i haven't accomplished anything worthwhile in my life just yet, i still just don't care if the world ends. Good riddance i say, the human race is a failed experiment anyways. If there is a god, he/she/it has failed in creating us, since we all suck majorly at being what we are: human. What DOES bother me though, is HOW the world might end. See, my biggest fears of dying are as follows: burning alive, suffocating, and drowning. So, if the world ends like we see in the movie 2012, i will have to die in one of my three greatest fears of dying. Hopefully the world ends by a nuclear explosion, and that I'm close enough to just vaporize without knowing what the fuck happened, that would be grand, but knowing my luck, I'll end up in a giant ocean struggling to breathe, and then get tossed out of it, into a pit of lava, but just enough to set me on fire so that a big piece of rock can slowly crush me as i burn alive. Yeah, i better think about buying that gun really soon, or at least be somewhere really high up that i can jump off. Basically I'll be killing myself, to save myself (HA).

Then again, we can all just hope the world DOESN'T end, but where's the fun in that?

Stay True.


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