Sunday, June 13, 2010


hi, my name is Richard Loser.

i have a 9th grade education, the only thing i'm good at is playing music in my band, Suburban Losers, and i still think i could do better. I am overweight, and not very good looking, which causes trouble for dating. The fact that every girl i meet rejects me for my looks has led me to believe that every girl in the entire world is shallow and only want good looking men with big penises. I am very forgettable, but chances are i will annoy the fuck out of you in the short time that you let me talk to you. If i somehow find out that i annoy you, next time i see you, i will just annoy you more. I'm not fake, i'm always me, if i'm depressed, i cover it up in public. I love to entertain, so i'll constantly be trying to tell jokes which usually end up stupid unless you get my sense of humor. The only thing i ever want to do in life is be in a successful punk rock band, though my definition of successful may be different than yours. You will someday hate me, even if it's just for a moment. I'm usually uninvited, and ignored. Everyone who talks to me, eventually loses interest in what i have to say. I have a love/hate relationship with sleep. Music is the only thing that keeps me from blowing my brains out, if i didn't have music, i would have committed suicide when i was 15. I'm Straight Edge, i've been since i was 16, anything you've heard that involves me breaking Edge, is not true. I respect anyone who respects me, so if you do drugs, drink, and smoke, just don't judge me and i won't judge you, because believe it or not, i am very open minded. Everything is funny to me, i have the ability to make a joke even out of the most negative situations, so, i'm good to have around if you have a dark sense of humor. I like to text, so when we first meet, i'll probably ask for your number. I also enjoy late night phone conversations with girls, but they don't happen anymore. I'm extremely opinionated when it comes to anything. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Pro Wrestling, i have been a fan since i was 2 years old, i know almost everything about it. It's hard for me to find anything good about myself, but when i do, i'm modest. If you tell me anything good about myself, i'll probably shoot it down with what i think is the truth about me. I'm hard to understand, if you understand me, i love you. I like Punk Rock and all forms of it, same with Ska, sometimes i'll listen to something other than those things. My biggest Bass Guitar influences are Fat Mike, Brendan Kelly, and Dan Andriano. My biggest vocal influences are Tom Gabel, Brendan Kelly, and Jason Shevchuck. My biggest songwriting influences are Matt Skiba, Dan Andriano, Brendan Kelly, Chris McCaughan, Tom Gabel, and Ben Weasel. Chances are, we won't have much in common, or will have very little in common. I don't trust people easily, but i will open up to someone who lets me. I used to give out second and third chances, but now, it's getting harder to everyday. I want to go on tour, get our record released, and meet a girl who will accept me, more than anything else right now. I am into Comics and know more about them than i should. I will more than likely talk about stuff that you could care less about, but i'll keep talking. I love to bitch about inaccuracies in comic book movies. I also love to bitch about how the WWE was better as the WWF and how the Monday Night Wars were the best period in Pro Wrestling history and i want them back. My friends, Jason Failure, Alex Exiled, are not my friends at all, they're my brothers, my family, without them, i'm nothing. Any girl who wants to date me must know, if you date me, you WILL deal with my brothers, if you don't like them, don't date me. Don Kern is my real blood brother and is responsible for my drive in music, and the reason i started playing the Bass Guitar, Thank You Don, without you, i am also nothing. I care more about other people than i do myself, but, i have very good hygiene. I am probably one of the sweetest, nicest guys you'll ever meet, once you get to know me, no that's not cocky, it's true. If you're my girlfriend, i'll try my hardest to make you feel like the most beautiful person in the world. If you choose to talk to me and get to know me, this is what you're in for. Take it, or leave it.

i am Richard Loser, and this is me, if you don't like it, don't talk to me.

Stay True


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