Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's About Time...

well folks, folk, er, who am i kidding, i'm talking to nobody! anyways, it's about time i get serious and get rid of all this fat, there is no way i am living through my twenties looking like this, if i ever want to find a nice girl, she has to see the inner me, and in order for her to do that, i must be attractive (see 2 posts ago where i rant about how shallow girls can be). So say goodbye to fat me, cause hopefully by at least mid summer, i will be 20 or maybe 30 pounds skinnier, but first, i must let my tooth hole heal.

the tooth itself was a bitch to get out, took awhile, but it's out, and i needed stitches, shit. I go back next week to get them out, hopefully this doesn't effect my preformance at practice this Friday. When i don't take the pain meds, it feels like there's still a tooth there, but there's not, it's just that sore.

i started this with hopes of writing some witty shit, but eh, i've grown tired, so maybe i will next post.

Stay True.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Hours I Don't See Anymore..Or So I Thought..

fucking shit bag in a hat, here i am once again, unable to sleep, and i've done so fucking well all week..but not know why? Because i have to get up at AT LEAST from 7-8 AM so i have time to eat and get ready before i head to the dentist to get ANOTHER tooth pulled. That's right, another one, cause missing a night or two of brushing causes my teeth to eat themselves down to where they cause me pain. Son of a bitch. Fucking a. All that jazz...why are the simple things the most difficult things? i know, blah blah woe is me, shut the fuck up Rich, nobody wants to hear you bitch about stuff that EVERYONE goes through..oh okay, i'll shut up then.

well, here i be, wide awake, writing in a blog nobody reads, listening to music i barely ever listen to (Barenaked Ladies..yeah, i tend to listen outside of my box here and there...), i'm also tired. very tired. because i'm sitting up. when i lay down, i'm even more wide awake, how can someone be wide awake but tired? i don't know, i don't understand me as much as you don't understand me, wait, who am i talking to? i'm going to go shoot myself now, k? k. (by the way, my computer froze in the middle of that k, and it took atleast 30 seconds for it to appear, my computer enjoys doing that).

i want to tour, right now. i'm sick of this place, i need to get out, even if for only a month, i don't really have much of a reason to remain here, nobody really NEEDS me, i need them. what better way to escape than play music every night? none better, i say.


Stay True.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Life, As It Was, As It Will Be.

ahhh hello blogosphere (gay!), i have been away from you for way too damn long..A LOT has happened since my last post..damn...a whole fucking lot. I guess i haven't typed in here for awhile cause i'm either lazy or haven't felt the need to. Tonight though, i feel the need to let shit out, get stuff off my chest, empty my mind, what have you. Let me take you through what's been going on...

I am a single man! or specimen..whatever. Amber tended to treat me like shit from time to time, made me feel down about myself, and i just started to grow tired of it, on top of that, i wasn't in love with her least..not like i i had to end it. One of the hardest fucking things i ever had to do, that's the truth. We were together for 2 and a half years, and the last girl i broke up with, i only dated for a week, usually i'm the one getting dumped, but i guess i felt the need to stand up for myself for once. So, i did, and the result? not good, i ended up getting stalked, she made a scene at my work that COULD HAVE gotten me fired, thankfully, it didn't, and now, i want nothing to do with her, and i don't want to be friends, she frightens me nowadays, and plus, i don't want someone in my life who's going to act like a psychopath towards me and possibly fuck up any relationships i could start with other girls. So, that's the end of that.

Suburban Losers is doing amazing, pretty much the only thing keeping me going in this fucked up world is my bandmates/brothers, and our music. We recorded our first full length at Akdar Studios, and it sounds fucking amazing, PLUS we're in talks with Overdose On Records about releasing it, how fucking cool is that?! Overdose is run by Justin Enemy from Common Enemy, if you didn't know, plus some other cool dudes who have recently started helping out, including Mikey from Alive In The Moment (amazing band!) and Justin's brother Devin, the drummer from Common Enemy, awesome dudes for sure. They've been helping us a whole fucking lot, and we're extremely appreciative of their help. The record is titled Never Going Home and it has 15 tracks (and a secret track!), it's been recorded and mixed, which we had a great time doing, and now we need money to get it mastered, any info beyond that, i am restricted to tell publically so you will have to wait :) Also, we will be heading out on tour with our friend Joe Penn's band My Kill Plot, it's going to be our first tour! it's not in support of the record since the record is no where near being released yet, but it's going to help with the release of the record. Tour dates will be posted on this blog and everywhere else we can post them when it happens, so stay tuned!

now onto personal shit, i won't get into too much detail, since some people might read this, but females confuse the fuck out of me. Is there any girl out there who is NORMAL? wait, scratch that, maybe you're all normal, you just see how ugly i am, and dispite how amazing i'll treat you, and how awesome i am (no, not conceited, just confident), you won't be able to see that because you only want cute, skinny/athetic studmuffins with a big ego and the ability to buy you whatever you want, right? pfft, and they say GUYS are shallow, at least some of us know how to see through the surface. Don't get me wrong, i do agree you have to be attracted to the person you're with, looks and personality wise, but come on..wait, scratch all that, it's true, you have to be attracted to the person your with, in which case, i will have no luck in finding the girl who's meant for me because the girls i'm attracted to, in looks and personality, will not be attracted to a fat, ugly, annoying retard such as myself, fuckshit. Oh well, i'm in a band! so FUCK YOU ALL! You wanna see through my grossness? talk to me, i'm done trying.

anywho...i hate work, but i'm getting more hours, so that's cool moneywise, but serious fuck that place, i can't wait to get out and go on tour.

well that's all for today fuckfaces...til next time!

Stay True.
