Friday, October 30, 2009

R.I.P. Chuck Biscuits?

just a few things on my mind..time to blog!

influential punk rock drummer Chuck Biscuits passed away last weekend of throat wait..he didn' was a HOAX?! who the fuck would do that?! some douche bag pretending to be his wife apparently..that's fucking low..i mean..i say a lot of things that people would say is low too..but I'd never start a death rumour about someone famous...a lot of people were saddened by that find out its fake is a relief but still..come on...

i was wondering..before blogging and social networking sites..what the hell did people my age do for fun? like..what were the 90's like for people like me? Internet was there but it wasn't as cool and didn't have as many sites and there was no like..what the hell? I'll have to ask my brother what he did..i know he played in a band and played his instruments a lot in his free time but so do i..but like, the little nuggets of free time in between those important things..what were those filled by? sleep? no..maybe..maybe the Internet is the cause for so many insomniacs these days..who i care? well..i guess not..i just wanna know what the hell these 90's..or even 80' lets go back to the fucking 1800's..what did they do for fun? i guess fight in wars..that's why people joined the army back then cause there wasn't much else to do..hahahah. i probably would..i if i died it wouldn't matter cause what would my life be? corn maker? nah fuck that..let's kill each other!

I've discovered many punk rock gems stemming from one of my favorite punk bands None More Black..i heard of Kid Dynamite and Lifetime and read about them with much respect because they influenced bands i love such as New Found Glory..but i never i am..and i am now a fan...thank you Lifetime for bringing us Kid Dynamite, None More Black, Paint It Black, and The Loved Ones..all being from Philly might i add..local pride..well 2 hours away local pride but still..real local pride..COMMON ENEMY! ALIVE IN THE MOMENT! BGL! READING REPRESENT! HELLS YEAH! anyways...

so my quest for thin starts today..i bought two bags of 3 packs of gum each so i have 6 packs all together..when i feel the need to snack i just chew gum..cause i snack when I'm bored..and I'm only gonna eat when i feel hungry now not just cause the food is there..i need to get rid of my belly so i can fit into my XL shirts i have a lot better work this time..i guess i gotta exercise too..we'll see when i get that serious hahahaha.

oh..i used to be really exited about halloween..not even when i was little but like..last year, i just don't care anymore..i don't know why..i haven't celebrated by listening to a bunch of horror punk like i did every year..i guess I'm just getting older and more cynical and will soon stop giving a shit about taking a shit...fuck. kill me before I'm 40 and nothing is fun anymore, Kay? thanks.

i love food.

Stay True.


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