Friday, October 30, 2009

R.I.P. Chuck Biscuits?

just a few things on my mind..time to blog!

influential punk rock drummer Chuck Biscuits passed away last weekend of throat wait..he didn' was a HOAX?! who the fuck would do that?! some douche bag pretending to be his wife apparently..that's fucking low..i mean..i say a lot of things that people would say is low too..but I'd never start a death rumour about someone famous...a lot of people were saddened by that find out its fake is a relief but still..come on...

i was wondering..before blogging and social networking sites..what the hell did people my age do for fun? like..what were the 90's like for people like me? Internet was there but it wasn't as cool and didn't have as many sites and there was no like..what the hell? I'll have to ask my brother what he did..i know he played in a band and played his instruments a lot in his free time but so do i..but like, the little nuggets of free time in between those important things..what were those filled by? sleep? no..maybe..maybe the Internet is the cause for so many insomniacs these days..who i care? well..i guess not..i just wanna know what the hell these 90's..or even 80' lets go back to the fucking 1800's..what did they do for fun? i guess fight in wars..that's why people joined the army back then cause there wasn't much else to do..hahahah. i probably would..i if i died it wouldn't matter cause what would my life be? corn maker? nah fuck that..let's kill each other!

I've discovered many punk rock gems stemming from one of my favorite punk bands None More Black..i heard of Kid Dynamite and Lifetime and read about them with much respect because they influenced bands i love such as New Found Glory..but i never i am..and i am now a fan...thank you Lifetime for bringing us Kid Dynamite, None More Black, Paint It Black, and The Loved Ones..all being from Philly might i add..local pride..well 2 hours away local pride but still..real local pride..COMMON ENEMY! ALIVE IN THE MOMENT! BGL! READING REPRESENT! HELLS YEAH! anyways...

so my quest for thin starts today..i bought two bags of 3 packs of gum each so i have 6 packs all together..when i feel the need to snack i just chew gum..cause i snack when I'm bored..and I'm only gonna eat when i feel hungry now not just cause the food is there..i need to get rid of my belly so i can fit into my XL shirts i have a lot better work this time..i guess i gotta exercise too..we'll see when i get that serious hahahaha.

oh..i used to be really exited about halloween..not even when i was little but like..last year, i just don't care anymore..i don't know why..i haven't celebrated by listening to a bunch of horror punk like i did every year..i guess I'm just getting older and more cynical and will soon stop giving a shit about taking a shit...fuck. kill me before I'm 40 and nothing is fun anymore, Kay? thanks.

i love food.

Stay True.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

...And So It Stops.

so we as a band, and me as a person, have been hit with countless bullets of good news in the past 2 it goes..

first off, someone at DQ quit, so that means that i get more hours, in terms means more money, in terms means i may have money to save or waste now. plus i'll have personal money to help out the band if we so need it in the future, which we will.

secondly, the new Lawrence Arms came out, so did the new Misfits, both cheap as hell on itunes so i just bought them, cause the pirate sites didn't have em yet, whatever its like 5 bucks gone from my account that i would have used to get fatter anyways.

thirdly, the new Common Enemy video i'm in for "We're Under Attack" is done! i'm hard to see at most parts but it's still an awesome video..check it out:

We're Under Attack

COMMON ENEMY | MySpace Video

and now onto band stuff...

i gave the money and the image to Stoyer, he said he's gonna order the shirts to print and they should be done in a few weeks. sweet.

also we were given a very generous review by Fungalpunk in the United Kingdom. you can read it at this link..

we're also on the page for the Song of The Month, called Myspace Snips. he picked The Movement from the Suburban Losers EP. check that out here..

in other news..we have the Common Enemy release show tickets! we're selling em for 10 bucks so anyone who wants one just comment me here with your info or message us at

anywho..that seems to some up the exiting news..not to mention we have a show next Friday at Alexander's..but yeah...

oh yeah! Cody has a new guitar we borrowed from Jason's uncle..and it's awesome..normal practices again! yay!

Stay True.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

When Will It Stop?

so we've had a string of bad luck lately..PA speaker, mic stand, a mic, and our spirit all broke at the Oct 16th alexander's show..PA speaker has been fixed, mic replaced, mic stand is still usable but annoying..and our spirit..its hanging in there...cause on top of all this, we can't play the Oct 30th Scranton show because of 2 van that day, and Jason's stupid job that likes to screw us over (this is the second time). to top it off, Jason has personal problems this weekend, Cody did, hopefully they're fixed, and I AM SICK. what kind of sick? oh no, not a stomach flu, no ofcourse not, it has to attack my goddamn throat, the thing i need to yell at practice. fuck you. i hate it. i've been doing all i can to get better by next practice but that may not happen..i'll just refrain from singing and we'll play Cody sung songs cause i WANNA FUCKING PLAY. oh..and the worst one of em all because it's not fixable..Cody's guitar is fell off his strap at practice and hit the floor..the neck is severed..fuck..and then we tried out my Ibanez that i bought from my cousin..and it much hissing and feedback and it goes out of tune every song..but yeah..Jason's uncle will have one for us on Monday..hopefully it's good.

anywho..our only hope to get back to the happy point that we were at, is these comps that just came in the mail, and our next two shows, Alexander's with Zipperbeam and Common Enemy's CD Release show at croc, which we'll be selling tickets for, lets just hope good luck takes over by then..also we're recording Basement Sounds Vol 2 that should be fun..hopefully..

gah i'm hungry but i'm not..

Stay True.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009


sure has been awhile..sorry about that, haha.

been quite busy with stuff..first off, the Common Enemy video shoot was a success! and it was fucking awesome! a lot of fake blood, and fake violence, haha, i loved it! you can see all the pictures at, actually i lied, myspace wouldn't let me put all of them up, but most of them are on there!

as far as band stuff goes. did i tell you we're recording with Bryan Piontek in New York? well we are, and we're going to demo the songs in the basement really soon, so keep an eye out for those tracks. we plan to do a 6 song EP with him, but we're going to demo all the songs that will be on this EP and the next one. we'll be selling that demo cd for a dollar most likely, so we can raise money for the EP recording. i can't wait! haha

we also have a show on friday with Alive In The Moment and Shitlist as the headlining acts, we put this show on, so i really hope it goes well. with the band lineup, i'm sure it will, haha.

we're also going to be selling tickets for the Common Enemy cd release show at the croc rock, that show is gonna be killer. so buy one! haha.

well i really want some fucking pizza, so i may just go get some.

Stay True.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Completed Common Enemy "Beer Bong" Video!

Beer Bong

look for my plaid shirt in the pits, haha. i'm also in one of the camera circles holding a cd.

tomorrow i will be joining them again for another video, only this time, i get to live one of my dreams - i get to be a ZOMBIE! i wanted to be a zombie for something, anything, movie, video, picture, whatever, since i discovered George Romero's Dead series when i was 15, and now i get to live it! thanks to Common Enemy/Justin Enemy. this is gonna be awesome. i have to wake up at 7 or so, Jake is picking me up at 8, and we gotta be there by 9. i think shooting begins a 9:30, i don't know though, i forget, haha. i get to wear zombie makeup and shit too, it's gonna be great. i can't wait to show you all the finished product of that video.

anywho, new plans for our next EP. we are going to record in NEW YORK with Bryan Piontek once again. he offered to do it, and we weren't dissapointed before, so we agreed. not sure when it's going to happen, we might hold acouple shows just to raise money for it, cause he's not free, but he is giving us a discount, 25 an hour, as oppossed to 40 an hour which he wants to start with in his new studio. so i'm exited about that. as of now we're still raising money for shirts, and we may just do another Basement Sounds since we're not sure when we could even get started on the new EP. we still want new shit out there, so Basement Sounds may be a go after these next few shows. so maybe be on the lookout for that, no official plans though.

we've also began work on an infomercial for the Suburban Losers EP that we've had plans to do for quite sometime that is completed i will post that one should be funny, it was fun filming the stuff we did today, and we will probably have a blooper reel or something at the end of it all. so keep an eye out for that.

as of right now, i need to poop, and shower, so i'm going to go accomplish that.

Stay True.
