Thursday, August 12, 2010

Public Service Announcement.

alright, so i just want to make a few things clear about myself. first off, this blog is being done simply because of the fact that at this very moment in time, i have no other anger outlet, and it needs to all come out in order for me to have a peaceful night. usually, i couldn't give a shit what stupid people think about me, but at this point in time, i have been ignored one too many times, called a "creep" one too many times, and treated like an expired milk carton one too many times. this is the end of it, read on if you'd like to stop judging me.

first thing to address here, i AM NOT ACTUALLY ATTRACTED TO GIRLS UNDER 17/18 YEARS OLD. if you take any of my jokes seriously, you are A FUCKING RETARD and need to get a sense of humor, or actually get to know me and figure out that i'm telling a joke. in my opinion, age doesn't necessarily matter in a relationship, as long as one isn't a CHILD, but i would not date someone too young for me, because i am 21 years old, and would get in trouble. not to mention, someone who is 15/16 years old, could change entirely by the time they are 18. it's just common sense people, and just because i am FRIENDS, wait, let me say that again so that you IGNORANT FUCKS can understand this, JUST BECAUSE I AM FRIENDS with a girl who is 15 or 16 years old does not mean that i am DATING OR FUCKING THEM, so the sooner you get it through your THICK skulls that ANYONE can be friends with ANYONE, the sooner we will be near a peaceful world. also, the next person that calls me a CREEP, CREEPY, CREEPER, or any other form of the word in a SERIOUS NON JOKING MANNER, i will go out of my way to find the address of the nearest sex offender, knock you out, tie you up, and drop you off at their house. so, when you wake up to some 54 year old dude shooting his seed in your eye while singing the theme song to Different Strokes, then maybe you'll reconsider your definition of CREEPY.

secondly, if you are a female and i am super nice to you out of nowhere, trying to help you out when i see you're down, even though we've never met, DO NOT take it as an evil plot to get into your pants, cause i FUCKING ASSURE YOU THAT IT IS NOT AN EVIL PLOT. the ONLY reason i am nice to ANYONE who i've never met before and try to help them is because there are TOO MANY assholes in the world who would rather see everyone suffer, so i take it upon myself to be as nice as humanly possible to random people so i can prove in some way or another that there are GOOD PEOPLE in the world and i care about everyone. i'm willing to help out whoever when they are down because i have been there before and it is not a good place to be FOR ANYONE. thankfully there are people who have noticed my kind gestures and are now friends of mine, instead of thinking i'm a secret rapist who is helping you with your issues just to get a blow job, FUCK YOU if you think that.

and finally, BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE to the fucking BITCHES that decide they're too good for me after pretending they like me for months. how many times has this happened now? oh lord, i LOST COUNT. also, to anyone that talked to me ONCE and when i say we should talk more, TURN ON THE IGNORE SWITCH AND WON'T GIVE ME A CHANCE TO EVEN BE FRIENDS. just because i say you're PRETTY doesn't mean i'm going to RAPE you, stop being so goddamn paranoid and actually GET TO KNOW ME instead of JUDGING ME. you're so AWESOME when you laugh about ignoring a boy you think is ugly right? or when he tried to talk to you and is being nice and you decide, "oh he's gross why is he talking to me?" when that boy did nothing to you that would make you hate him. FUCK YOU. go back to talking to every guy that asks you out every 10 minutes or asked to come over and fuck every day or better yet, how about the guy that used to BEAT you? yeah! he's cool right?! once again, FUCK YOU.

i am done now, and i will go back to not giving a shit about these ASSHOLES.

Stay True.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Only In Dreams: A Short Story

The boy sat down, exhausted, he decided to rest his eyes...

He opened his eyes, to see his girl staring at him, smiling, she was amazingly beautiful, like an angel sent down from heaven JUST for him. He loved her, everything about her, the way her dark hair hung down over her right eye, the way her beautiful green eyes glowed, almost mirroring a beautiful sunset over the horizon. Her was almost like nothing he's ever heard before, much like what spring would sound like when it breaks through the cold, unforgiving trap that is called Winter. She brushes her hair to the side and looks at him, she smiles. "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you!" she says. He smiled too, as soon as he heard her beautiful voice, "it's okay, i don't mind, as long as the first thing i see when i open my eyes is you, i will never be angry when you wake me" he said. She looks at him with her soft eyes, gleaming in the sunlight, and says "you are definitely the most amazing guy in the world!" and kisses him. Her lips felt like what clouds would feel like, if they were objects. He stares into her perfect eyes as she sits next to him. She was shorter than him, body type not perfect to society, but perfect to him, he made sure to tell her that everyday. "You know, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." he reminds her. "oh stop! you know that's not true!" she exclaims. "No, you are, i don't care what those other guys say, or what the media says, the perfect girl is not what they show on TV, the perfect girl is not skin and bones, to me, the perfect girl is and will always" he says. She begins to happily tear up, "do you really mean that?" she asked. "Of course i mean that, i mean every word that comes out of my mouth when speaking to you, never would i tell a lie to someone i care about so much" he answered. She responds "you are the perfect guy, you know that?" and once again kisses him. They both look at each other, it was easy to tell that neither of them wanted to be anywhere else at this very moment, they wanted to be here with each other, because right here, right now, in both of their eyes, is true love, true happiness, things that they both believed could never exist, but here it is, they found it. "I love you" they both say in unison, and both hold each other, and fall asleep.

The boy opens his eyes...he is alone..."what just happened?" he says, as he looks around his house, confused. "That...was that real?" The boy was all a dream. "ah..." he sighs, and goes back to sleep.

Written by: Richard Lee Finogle Jr.